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Own your recovery by shouldering through painful struggles

· Health

The long-standing catchphrase ‘no pain, no gain’ is rudimentary towards hard work and progress, and is expressed in the sought-after ‘eye of the tiger’ song. It stands the test of time and is a go-to soundtrack across ages. A favourite among fitness enthusiasts, the track leaves their pulses pounding and feet thumping during adrenaline-filled workout sessions.

A hardworking and bread-earning human often shoulders through multiple struggles and pains to make ends meet. Irrespective of the sector or industry, this is a universal reality. However, for deskbound jobs, this euphemism is figurative. But, it is very much literal for those into physical jobs - armed guards, sports personnel, and others. For these people, when their shoulders go for a toss, all hell breaks loose. The shoulder is hence an integral part when ensuring that you keep fit; this is where the shoulder pain specialist comes to the rescue.

Shouldering through the days

A euphemism of sorts, the shoulder-to-shoulder idiom directly compares among your day, your wellbeing and your achievements and feelings. Running your day shoulder-to-shoulder then is the ideal way to surpass and survive each day of your life. Therefore, you might have to get a sit down with your nearby shoulder pain specialist.

However, reality, as it stands, gets bitter as your age finally catches up with you. But, it also paradoxically makes you better, considering your long run at life. Your muscles then begin to stiffen and your bones brittle; one among the symptoms of aging. And this is evident from the like of rheumatoid arthritis treatment Singapore and other countries the world over have in place the necessary faculty and facility.

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Arthritis: The Penultimate Villain of the Break in Your Joints

Not only old-age, but arthritis can hit you even during the youth. Arthritis is a common issue among the elderly, as well as those engaged in high-impact sports. If not treated in time, it could transform into a permanent and incurable disability.

What causes arthritis?

Several factors are responsible for this penultimate villain:

  • Inflammation - this process causes redness and swelling in the joints
  • Joint tissue damage - this happens when there is a loss of gel at the knee joints; this could happen due to stress, injury or pressure at the joints
  • Fatigue - rubbing shoulders too hard with your day would leave you feeling overworked

How can you diagnose it?

With all the equipment and technologies at our disposal today, accurate assessments and diagnosis have become pretty accessible and easy. This is the first step in the process that could lead up to the rheumatoid arthritis treatment; Singapore and several other countries give considerable importance to this preliminary step. The stage comprises a thorough assessment that includes a detailed evaluation of symptoms, a physical examination, and X-rays. So, if you are facing excessive pain or fatigue, any delay would be foolhardy.

Rheumatoid arthritis: The long-standing trojan

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When running shoulder-to-shoulder with every passing day, one is likely to face hardships and obstacles. But rheumatoid arthritis is one among the dangerous ones. It is a long-lasting illness that can affect many parts of your body, including the joints. In this illness, your immune system becomes sensitized and overactive, the joints swell, and chemical substances are produced that stand to destroy and attack the joint surface.

Rheumatoid arthritis typically attacks the joints at the hands and the feet. More so, even joints at the hips, knees and elbows are likely to fall victim; sometimes, multiple joints are affected simultaneously. Furthermore, swelling and stiffness can occur in joints that are not in use.